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Industry Solutions

Solution for every Business Industry

Bulk SMS for Automobile Industry


With increasing number of competitors and demanding customers, the automotive industry is seeing a fierce competition with decreasing margins despite of higher volume of sales. The entire industry, therefore, has found a respite in creating a healthy bottom-line along with the growing top-line in the competitive market by focusing on after-sales as an alternate source of revenue. These changes in industrial environment have fueled the usage of Mobile Marketing as a crucial technique to keep in touch with the customers. It helps the companies keep their customers informed and happy by sharing information and updates in a timely manner. A satisfied customer is easier to retain and mobile marketing is making it easier by prompt sharing of information on new models, offer on services, service reminders etc. It also makes the company’s task of acquiring new customers easier as they can be directly approached via SMS marketing.


  • Customer Acquisition
  • SMS Billing
  • Acknowledgement of payment and service
  • Reminder services – payment and servicing
  • Information services- new products and offers
  • Insurance Reselling
  • Customer Retention
  • Service Recovery
  • Service Feedback
  • Interdepartmental Communication


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in automobile industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding

  • Welcome Note
  • Test Drive
  • Service Reminders
  • Insurance Reminders
  • Payment Reminders
  • Insurance Reselling
  • Alerts for special deals and packages
  • Information on new models, services, showrooms etc.


  • Locating Service station.
  • Emergency Helpline.
  • Registering queries and complaints.
  • Prospective customers can register for the vehicle using shortcodes.


  • Up selling and Cross selling Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Genuine Feedback from Visitors
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • In building relationships based on loyalty and trust
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Driving direct sales
  • Facilitating targeting
Bulk SMS for Retail Industry


The Retail Industry in India is emerging as one of the most competitive, dynamic and fast paced industries. With numerous industry players of different capacities entering the market pretty frequently, the industry is witnessing a game of change. This Industry is close to being the next big thing in the commercial arena. The industry is expected to grow at 25 per cent annually. The future of the industry looks promising with substantial growth rate, favourable government policies and the emerging technologies that facilitate effective operations cycle. Hence, the organized retail that is currently at only four percent of the Indian retail industry may become the big thing to look for at an annual growth rate of 45-50 percent. With such a strong growth potential, the industry has a lot to offer provided a company ensures that all factors of performance are taken good care of. Right from picking the right vendors for raw material to finding the competent seller of finished goods is a demanding task. SMS marketing helps in keeping all aspects of production and supply chain under a single tab so that all the activities are well coordinated. Good coordination among various activities minimizes wastage of resources including time and money. This makes the business profitable.


  • Common connecting platform for suppliers, distributor, customers and the company
  • New customer acquisition
  • A Fast and economic communication media
  • Efficient database
  • Customer retention


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in retail industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding –

  • Promotional messages regarding new products, new Branch, special offers, discounts etc.
  • Mass campaign by organizing SMS based contests, opinion poll etc
  • Building up relevant client database
  • Obtaining customer’s feedback
  • Circulating updated MIS reports
  • Internal communication and management
  • Personalized Corporate Communication through greeting messages


  • Increasing Sales Conversion.
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Facilitating targeting.
  • Building relationship of loyalty and trust
  • Driving direct sales
  • Up selling and Cross selling Products and Services
Bulk SMS for Banking Industry


Banking industry has undergone an exciting makeover from being the nine to five offices of queues to a happening 24X7 virtual office. The Anywhere, Anytime Banking concept has led to the major change in the industry. SMS aids in smooth, user-friendly and instantaneous mobile-banking operations even when the customer is on the go. With the advent of customer centric market and numerous options, the customer’s ease has been considered as the major factor for making business decisions in banks. The competitive markets now need businesses that are on move and so should be the business’s bank. Therefore, the banks have started making every operation possible through SMS. This has generated great trust among customers as they now know that bank is not a distant destination. Even a customer who is traveling most of the time is able to conduct his banking operations with complete ease. Since a bank has its customer’s hard earned money, regular updates on new schemes, offers etc. keeps the two of them in good touch and encourages future association, as well. In cases of complaints in the banking industry, the entire redressal mechanism needs to be more prompt than any other industry as the risk taking capacity of the customers here is lower than in any other industry. In all cases and at all times, the banks are working towards gaining full confidence of their customers.


  • Acknowledgement on account operations
  • On the go services like balance inquiry, transactions etc.
  • Secured transactions through One Time Passwords
  • Economical communication with client and employees
  • Complaint redressal & updates
  • Service alert for customers like limit alert, check bounce alert etc.


Onetouch Services will give you “A-Z solution” for all your communication Activities & Marketing Activities.


It is useful for communication regarding

  • Automated account status alerts
  • Enquire Account Balance via SMS
  • Cost effective communication regarding new products or services to existing and prospective customers.
  • Automated reminders for EMI payment or Bill Payments
  • Instant communication with sales force


  • Account Updates and other operative details like exchange rates etc. via SMS
  • Lead generation across India
  • Database of relevant potential customers
Bulk SMS for Financial Services


Financial Services Industry is very time sensitive as it deals with great volatilities. One of the most volatile industries is the stock market. Information in the form of news, analysis and movements change within minutes and they can be put to use only if made available quickly. Both the stock brokers and their customers need to be in constant touch with each other in order to maximise their investments and efforts. While internet connection may not be a valid option for all the people dealing in this industry, mobile phones and SMS marketing have become the favourite tools. Mobile marketing enables a constant touch and bring the confidence of the service provider’s accessibility. This provides for a mutual trust that is very important in this industry as the market may exhibit any degree of volatility at any time and the investor will have to trust the broker for his instincts and abilities to make the most of his investments.


  • Expert advice to customers along with execution
  • Personalised solutions and tips to customers
  • Broker’s understanding of customer’s requirements


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in financial services industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • End of the day trading positions and portfolio.
  • Intra-Day Buying & Selling tips
  • Confirmation of trade requests
  • Communicating Market updates i.e. Pre Market, Market Hours & Post Market update
  • Alerts on an upcoming IPO issues
  • Pre-market trading tips
  • Sending confirmation on DEMAT requests
  • Query last few transactions based on account


  • Tip of the day
  • Buying and selling shares
  • Information to registered clients on their portfolio and SENSEX
  • Information on past market data
  • Queries and complaints
  • Feedback


  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Valuable Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales and driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for Education Industry


Educational Institutions have the capacity to change lives that leads to evolvement of better societies and countries. Since numerous institutions are coming up these days, the industry is seeing a fierce competition. With changing trends of parenting and education, parents are getting more involved with their child’s learning curve and that calls for regular interaction between the teacher and the parents to facilitate a suitable learning environment for children. As an establishment, the educational institutions also need to keep up inter departmental communication to increase the efficiency of the staff in all departments. In an establishment of diverse operations like education, no single department can keep everything going well. Therefore, a coordinated system becomes necessary. Mobile marketing serves this purpose efficiently by connecting teachers with parents, teachers with administration and administration with higher management.


  • Communication between teachers and parents
  • Communication between administrators and teachers
  • Information to students regarding exam dates, schedule, rescheduling of classes etc.


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in education industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Emergency notifications
  • Admission test and Exam timetable/results
  • Interdepartmental notifications.
  • Parent/teacher communication.
  • Student absenteeism alert to parents
  • Fees dues/acknowledgement
  • Seminar information to faculties
  • Promotional messages on a mass-scale to prospective students
  • Touching base with the Alumni Association

Information if there is any strike, bandh, any holidays.


  • Announcement of admission form for new academic year
  • Fees enquiry (due date, amount).
  • Allowing parents/Students to access Exam results via SMS
  • Queries/complaints.
  • Request for appointment with the Principal / faculty and get immediate confirmation.
  • Organize interactive opinion poll for students / parents / faculties (faculty feedback).


  • Up selling and Cross selling Products and Services
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Feedback from parents and students
  • Teachers’ performance appraisal
  • Necessary initiatives
  • Influencing students’ life outside the classroom
Bulk SMS for Hotels & Resorts Industry


The multi- billion hospitality industry in India includes Hotels and Resorts. The industry on whole is witnessing an exceptional growth pace. Hospitality is all about making the guests feel at ease and comfortable while ensuring the value for the money they spend. The Tourism Department of India has been working out very attractive plans to position India as a global tourism brand. Both natural and cultural heritage add to the factors that make India an attractive tourist destination. Promotional offers, special packages etc. are advertised through various means like newspaper, magazines and SMS marketing. The latter remains the most lucrative and popular option as it enables direct interaction along with high return on investment. Customers usually prefer to cross check the details of a promotional offer which becomes very easy in case of SMS marketing. Email campaigns also bring in results that are worth appreciating. Regular updates regarding holiday destinations help in conditioning a customer’s mind so that he picks up that package when he wants to go on a holiday.


  • Personalised communication with customers
  • Media for targeting a chosen segment of customers
  • Convenient booking process
  • Interdepartmental communication
  • Customer retention


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in hotels and resorts industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Providing information on tariff, special or promotional deals, packages etc.
  • Enabling booking/cancellation of rooms
  • Internal communication


  • Queries and complaints
  • Booking on SMS
  • Feedback


  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for Real Estate Industry


Real Estate Industry is growing at a rapid pace in India. The onset of urbanization has made it a vast field with enormous growth potential. Also, the liberalization policies of the government have considerably decreased the need for permissions and licenses of approval for commencement of mega construction projects. Since the doors have been thrown open for foreign investments, it has made the industry more hopeful and growth oriented. The industry is currently growing through the various factors like Joint Ventures, foreign investors and Indian real estate agents who are shaping the industry’s new identity. Since there are numerous players in the industry now, it is important to emerge as the company that maintains trust as well as quality so that customers look up to the company when they want to make an investment. The long term relationship in this industry can be made only on mutual trust. Accurate and timely updates regarding construction, booking of unit, payments etc. bring transparency and allow the customers to know the real time updates. This builds confidence among customers.


  • Means to beat competition
  • Reaching out to potential customers
  • Maintaining trust of investors and customers


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in real estate industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Project Management through regular progress updates
  • Interdepartmental coordination for field work through alerts and updates
  • Instant interaction with labour contractors and other vendors regarding requirements, shortfalls and surplus of men and material
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) through handling grievances and sending occasional greetings etc.
  • Updating clients about progress of construction etc.
  • Issuing reminders/acknowledgment for payment


  • Generating leads by advertising short code details on digital and print media
  • Information sharing
  • Queries and complaints
  • Feedback


  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for Health Care Industry


Healthcare Industry has innumerable opportunities to grow and expand in current times. The increase in lifestyle diseases, increased consciousness regarding health, attention needed for workplace hazards etc. make it an industry that is capable of growing leaps and bounds. Health care industry in India is worth $17 billion and is anticipated to grow by 13% every year. The industry has come to terms of fierce competition and is no more the indifferent market puller. The various players in the industry have now accepted it to be a customer driven industry like any other industry and therefore, there is a need to stay connected with the customers. Through SMS connectivity, patients can send query/receive diagnosis reports using SMS short code service. Sending bulk SMS messages to customers regarding promotional schemes and offers is a lucrative way to increase foot fall. Healthcare is a major concern these days and the heavy bills are quite a burden on people. Therefore, good promotional schemes are taken well by them. Once a person has a good experience at a healthcare unit, he is most like to come back and even spread a good word of mouth. This makes SMS marketing the most preferred way of advertising in this industry.


  • Speedy communication in case of emergency
  • Customer retention
  • Reliable channel of communication with the mobile workforce
  • Economical source of promotions
  • Spreading health related awareness
  • Service recovery


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in healthcare industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Awareness about seasonal infections and necessary precautions
  • Information regarding social activities like blood donation camps
  • Promotional schemes on free check- up etc.
  • Payment reminders
  • Report information
  • Broadcasting messages about any emergency developments, meetings, seminars etc.
  • Alerting registered blood-donors or blood-donation camp organizers in the event of shortages
  • Information to vendors on stock refill time etc.

Short Codes Services

  • Tips for good health
  • Billing details
  • Route information
  • (Re)scheduling appointments

Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for Tour Industry


The travel and tourism industry of India is a promising industry. It is the fifth largest in terms of long term growth in Indian economy and is likely to become the second largest global employer by 2019. The statistics reveal that the GDP for the industry is likely to shoot up by 7.7 % annually for the next ten to fifteen years. There is a lot of competition as both local players and the international players are vying for the same market. The only factor that helps fetch more business is timely dissipation of information, such as offers, destinations and facilities ahead of holiday seasons and festivals etc. SMS marketing is therefore essential for travel and tour industry for the success of their venture. Besides being cost effective, SMS marketing facilitates direct interaction that makes the customer more confident about getting a good package deal.


  • Advertising to cope up with the competition
  • Personalized interaction with customers
  • Promotional offers for tour destinations
  • Fast and economical mode of communication
  • Reminders for booking, payment etc.
  • Payment acknowledgement
  • Feedback


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in tour industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Reservations / bookings through SMS
  • Promotional offers
  • Arrivals and check-ins
  • Communication with customers
  • Coordinating services for customers
  • Managing travelling preferences
  • Reminders


  • Reservation /booking
  • Queries and complaints
  • Weather alert

Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for BPO Industry


The hard working and talented work pool of India led to BPO Industry’s heavy growth in India. Over the last ten years, it has proved to be the sunrise industry in India. It has brought investment from multiple international stakeholders who favour outsourcing the task to a strategically located land like India. A BPO includes outsourcing business functions like finance and accounting, human resources and front office services like customer care services.


  • Personalized services
  • Employees safety
  • Fast and economical communication
  • Effective internal communication


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in BPO industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Alerts on change/delay of cab timings to the employees
  • Salary confirmation
  • Performance reward, change in incentive structure etc.
  • Informing people about any job openings, Walk in interviews etc.
  • Personalized greetings to employees on occasions like birthdays etc.
  • Employee’s personal information like leave balances, deductions etc.
  • Broadcasting corporate messages / events / seminars
  • Reminders to employees for appraisal review
  • Important notifications and alerts
  • SMS-based marketing campaigns on a mass-scale basis for overseas clients (on permission).
  • Generation of alerts / notifications to the target


  • Employee services like cab timings, register pick-up/drop, leave status etc.
  • Employees can apply for leave by sending the message in a specified format
  • Automatic generation of calls as and when an SMS is received


  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers
Bulk SMS for Aviation Industry


Air travel industry has seen a transition from being a luxury to becoming a necessity as world continues to shrink and trade and businesses continue to grow. The industry aids the overall growth of numerous other industries by providing carriage and cargo. Over the past decade, air travel has grown by 7% per year. Travel for both work and pleasure purposes have seen a strong upward trend. With the industry’s customers living a fast paced life and wishing to get the best deal, SMS marketing proves to be the connecting chord. Right from getting booking confirmation to best deals and discounts, all of it can be done much easily and quickly through mobile messaging.


  • Heavy advertising to beat the competition
  • Personalized interaction
  • Promotional offers for select destinations
  • Fast and economical mode of communication
  • Reminders and acknowledgements


We provide exhaustive services for all your marketing & communication needs that may arise in aviation industry. Our understanding of the industry coupled with your business experience will be capable of providing you an edge in the competitive market.


It is useful for communication regarding-

  • Reservations / bookings via SMS
  • Promotional offers to existing & prospective customers
  • Informing existing customers about new destination additions
  • Reservation confirmation
  • Travel information
  • Reminders, delays and changes


  • Reservation /booking
  • Weather alert
  • Queries and complaints
  • Information about Packages in transit


  • Up selling and Cross selling of Products and Services
  • Driving Web Users to Make Offline Purchases
  • Gaining Feedback from Visitors
  • Supporting sales through other channels
  • Building relationships on loyalty and trust
  • Increasing Sales Conversion
  • Generating Repeat Sales
  • Driving direct sales
  • Targeting potential customers

24/7 Support

We have a pool of IT professionals & experts who are available round the clock for customer support to handle any query.

Robust Platform

Our infrastructure and technology is designed to suit any business requirement, integrate our API with any IT application.

Cost Effective

Our pricing is the best in the market, with each package designed to meet your business need, scalable and reliable.

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